Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.

Change Log

Hide Until Thanks - 3.1.2 by Solstice

Coming soon: -----v3.1.3-----
- Hide until reply system.
- Give rep if have "X" number of thanks.
- Added the option to unable the thanks button for specified groups.
- Added support for the hide in all "message" pages. (Ej. Portal, Showthread, Preview post, Archive).
- Rewritten the hide engine system to use the parse_message hook (Now the hide system uses a individual function).
- Deleted the comments lines in the php file (the green lines =P).
-----v3.0 GOLD-----
- AJAX support to refresh the BBcode.
- Fixed problems in the "preview post" page.
- Added the option to restrict forums to not use the system.
- Added hooks to fix some problems.
- Rewrited some code to optimize the system.
- Massive bugs fixes since the last version
- Added the option to change the message from the Admin control panel.
- Now you can change de BBcode to hide the messages from the ACP.
- The quoted posts not show more the content.
- Removed the ACP paypal donation button.
- Added the Activate/Desactivate fuction in the ACP
- Minnor Bug fixes.
- Added a paypal donation button to the ACP.
-----Beta 0.9-----
- Removed the images and changed by text only.
- Minnor Bug fixes.
-----Beta 0.8-----
- First release.