Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.

MP Readed

Check if a user has already read the private message you sent

checks whether read the private message you sent your sent messages entering and before the title of the message an icon lit or off.

If the icon is on is because the private message has not read the sending user and if it is off is because the private message has been read.

for it to enter and locate private.php on line 2125

PHP Code:
$senddate $lang->not_sent;
"\$messagelist .= \"".$templates->get("private_messagebit")."\";"

and after line 2125 add the following code:

PHP Code:
if($folder == 2)
$querymp $db->simple_select("privatemessages""status""dateline=".$message['dateline']);
$mpstatus $db->fetch_array($querymp);
$mpstatus['status'] == 0)
$status "bullet_on";
$status "bullet_off";
$msgprefix .= "<img src=\"admin/styles/default/images/icons/{$status}.gif\" />";

so that the end remain as follows:

PHP Code:
$senddate $lang->not_sent;
$folder == 2)
$querymp $db->simple_select("privatemessages""status""dateline=".$message['dateline']);
$mpstatus $db->fetch_array($querymp);
$mpstatus['status'] == 0)
$status "bullet_on";
$status "bullet_off";
$msgprefix .= "<img src=\"admin/styles/default/images/icons/{$status}.gif\" />";
"\$messagelist .= \"".$templates->get("private_messagebit")."\";"); 


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