Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.


Recent download submissions by Aries-Belgium

Name Downloads
Ajax Poll Voting - 1.0
Allows users to vote on a poll without reloading the page.
Are you back? - 1.2
Informs a user his status is still 'away' while he is active on the forum.
Auto Unapprove Reported Posts - 1.0
Automatically unapproves posts which users have reported a certain number of times.
Event Thread - 1.0
This plugins automatically creates a new thread in a specified forum whenever a new event was created in one of the specified calendars.
Extra Forum Permissions - 1.1
Adds extra forum permissions to your board.
Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags - 1.1
Allows you to customize how Facebook displays Likes/Shares of your forum.
Force Postbit Layout - 1.1
Forces all your users to use the default postbit style.
MyDevel: Debug - 1.1
Adds debug functionality to MyBB.
MyDevel: Generate - 1.1
Generate users, threads and posts for development purposes.
PM Reply To Post - 1.0
Allows you to reply on a post via PM.
Postbit Layout Per Theme - 1.1
Allows you to change the default postbit layout per theme and force users to use it.
QuickQuote - 1.0
Allows you to quickly quote a complete post or selected portion of a post.
Remember Us? - 1.4
Sends out e-mail reminders to your users based on several conditions.
While You Were Typing - 1.3
Shows a notice if other users have posted new posts while you were typing.