Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.

Change Log

Social Groups - 2.1 by dragonexpert

- Fixed a couple security vulnerabilities

- Fixes some security vulnerabilities
- Fixes some SQL errors
- Now supports multiple group leaders
- Each group leader can be on individual permissions
- Unapproved posts now show up with the correct class
- Warning level now in posts just like if it was a normal thread

- Fixes extra buttons when creating threads and groups
- Fixed group editing so it doesn't need a manual template change
- Add options on which usergroups can create social groups
- Added limitations on how many groups a member can join and create
- Improved group editor
- Moderators and Admins can now edit any group
- Improved template design
- Allow a group to have an announcement
- Added a BB Code Inserter and Smilie Inserter
- Slightly altered some queries when installing to hopefully prevent errors

Group Control Panel
◦Only accessible by those with Mod CP or Admin CP access.
◦View All Groups
◦View All Threads
◦Lock specific group
◦Lock all groups
◦Unlock specific group
◦Unlock all groups
◦Edit specific group
◦Delete Thread
◦Delete specific group ( Limited to only those with Admin CP access )
◦Delete All groups /* Only a member in usergroup 4 (admininstrator) is able to use this feature. */
•Bug Fixes:
◦Unable to join from being in too many groups
◦Moderators and Admins not being able to view threads on a private group
◦Fixes some errors where two commas somehow got combined in a row. This would trigger an SQL error 1064.
◦Some errors on the approval status of a thread.
◦Special file to alter table collation and character set.

- Changed to use the build_create_table_collation function so collation should no longer be an issue.
- Discovered an error where private groups could still have threads read by nonstaff.
- Made several of the redirects use the actual function built into MyBB.
- Hid the Create Group button if the person is unable to create a group.
- Changed many of the $_REQUEST and $_POST to use the $mybb->input class.

- Implented SEO Urls.
- Finished changing $_REQUEST and $_POST to the input class.
- Added Category System

- Fixed an error on inc/class_socialgroups.php
- Fixed the Join Group function to remove that SQL Error
- Implemented some enhancements for user experience