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Write Review


Email Notification about new members - 2.1.0 by Jan

Simple and usefull. Very good if you want a quick and easy way to monitor user base growth. Tks!

Written By: rosado, 28th June 2009

Exactly what I've been looking for. Sends me an Email with Username / Email / & IP of new registrations.
Did have to change comatibility from 14 to 16 but not difficult.

Thanks very much.

Written By: sarisisop, 11th September 2011

Thanks for the useful plugin!

I had some problems installing it under 1.6, causing some SQL errors when I clicked on the Activate link in the AdminCP. Not sure if that is what sarisisop was talking about before, but here is the changed email_admin_new_member.php which worked for me:

PHP Code:

 * @version     email_admin_new_member.php 2012-01-14
 * @category    MyBB.Plugins
 * @package     EmailAdminAboutNewUser
 * @subpackage  Plugin
 * @author      Malte Gerth <>
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) Malte Gerth. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 3 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
if (!defined("IN_MYBB")) {
"Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br />
        <br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined."

// require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions.php";

/** * *******************************************************************
function emailAdminAboutNewMember()

    if (
$mybb->settings['emailonreg_onoff'] != "0") {
$subject '';
$text '';
$referrerUserInfo null;
// query user information
$query $db->simple_select(
"uid, username, email, regip, regdate, referrer",
"uid=" . (int)$user_info['uid'] . ""
$userInfo $db->fetch_array($query);
// get referrer if exists
if (!empty($userInfo['referrer']) && (!= $userInfo['referrer'])) {
$query $db->simple_select(
"uid=" $userInfo['referrer']
$referrerUserInfo $db->fetch_array($query);
// get the email content
$subject $mybb->settings['emailonreg_emailsubject'];
$text $mybb->settings['emailonreg_emailtext'];
// replace placeholders
        // %username %ip %uid %mailadress %date %referrer %bbname %bburl
$text str_replace('%username'$userInfo['username'], $text);
$text str_replace('%ip'$userInfo['regip'], $text);
$text str_replace('%uid'$userInfo['uid'], $text);
$text str_replace('%mailadress'$userInfo['email'], $text);
$text str_replace('%date'$userInfo['regdate'], $text);
$text str_replace('%referrer'$referrerUserInfo['username'], $text);
$text str_replace('%bbname'$mybb->settings['bbname'], $text);
$text str_replace('%bburl'$mybb->settings['bburl'], $text);
// send mail
my_mail($mybb->settings['emailonreg_email'], $subject$text);

/** * *******************************************************************
 * _install():
 *   Called whenever a plugin is installed by clicking the "Install" button in the plugin manager.
 *   If no install routine exists, the install button is not shown and it assumed any work will be
 *   performed in the _activate() routine.
 * function hello_install()
 * {
 * }
 * _is_installed():
 *   Called on the plugin management page to establish if a plugin is already installed or not.
 *   This should return TRUE if the plugin is installed (by checking tables, fields etc) or FALSE
 *   if the plugin is not installed.
 * function hello_is_installed()
 * {
 *      global $db;
 *      if($db->table_exists("hello_world"))
 *      {
 *          return true;
 *      }
 *      return false;
 * }
 * _uninstall():
 *    Called whenever a plugin is to be uninstalled. This should remove ALL traces of the plugin
 *    from the installation (tables etc). If it does not exist, uninstall button is not shown.
 * function hello_uninstall()
 * {
 * }
 * _activate():
 *    Called whenever a plugin is activated via the Admin CP. This should essentially make a plugin
 *    "visible" by adding templates/template changes, language changes etc.
 * function hello_activate()
 * {
 * }
 * _deactivate():
 *    Called whenever a plugin is deactivated. This should essentially "hide" the plugin from view
 *    by removing templates/template changes etc. It should not, however, remove any information
 *    such as tables, fields etc - that should be handled by an _uninstall routine. When a plugin is
 *    uninstalled, this routine will also be called before _uninstall() if the plugin is active.
 * function hello_deactivate()
 * {
 * }

    return array(
"name" => "Email Admin about new members",
"description" => "Send an email to an administrator if a new registration was made",
"website" => "",
"author" => "Malte Gerth",
"authorsite" => "",
"version" => "2.1.0",
'guid' => '607b9c2229c876d962a7dd3bab3a4f96',
'compatibility' => '14*,16*',

$settingsGroup = array(
"name" => "emailonreg",
"title" => "Email about new members",
"description" => "",
"disporder" => "50",
"isdefault" => "0",
$gid $db->insert_id();

$settingOnOff = array(
"name" => "emailonreg_onoff",
"title" => "Plugin Active",
"description" => "Should an email being send if a new member has registered?",
"optionscode" => "yesno",
"value" => "0",
"disporder" => "1",
"gid" => intval($gid),

$settingRecipient = array(
"name" => "emailonreg_email",
"title" => "Emailadresse",
"description" => "To which emailadresse should the message being send?<br />"
."<small>Seperate more than one adress with \",\"</small>",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => "[email protected]",
"disporder" => "2",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$settingMailSubject = array(
"name" => "emailonreg_emailsubject",
"title" => "Subject",
"description" => 'The text which should be send to the administrator.',
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => '[New User] A new member has signed up on '
"disporder" => "3",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$settingMailText = array(
"name" => "emailonreg_emailtext",
"title" => "Message",
"description" => 'The text which should be send to the administrator.<br />'
.'<small>You can use the following placeholders: '
.'%bburl %bbname %username %ip %uid %mailadress %date %referrer</small>',
"optionscode" => "textarea",
"value" => 'A new member has registered at ' $mybb->settings['bbname'] . ".\n"
"User Information\n"
"User-ID: %uid \n"
"Username: %username \n"
"Emailadresse: %mailadress \n"
"IP-Adresse: %ip ",
"disporder" => "3",
"gid" => intval($gid),


"name IN(

Written By: FriendFX, 16th July 2012

This worked just fine, until I downloaded and installed the new updated one. It doesn't send emails. I deleted the previous version and installed this newer one, activated it under plugins, edited the email addresses and set it to send emails when a new user registers under configuration, but it still doesn't send them. Is there anywhere else I need to change any settings?

Written By: KrinkleGator, 25th August 2012

Nice plugin!

Working fine!

Written By: mayasl, 8th June 2013

Write Review