Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.


Recent download submissions by Aaron

Name Downloads
Active Users - 1.0.1
Shows the number of users who have atleast one post on your forum in the index stats.
Active Users (designed for 1.2) - 1.0.0
Shows the number of users who have atleast one post on your forum in the index stats.
AJAX/RSS Ticker - 1.0
A AJAX/RSS Ticker for your forum.
Akismet (Spam Protection) - 1.2.1
Spam protection for MyBB
Alpha MyCode - 1.0.3
Allows for users to use the [alpha] tag to make text appear translucent
Alpha MyCode (designed for 1.2) - 1.0.0
Allows for users to use the [alpha] tag to make text appear translucent
Attachment Compressor - 1.0.0
Compresses Attachments to save space on your Server
Blur MyCode - 1.0.2
e Blur BBCode Tag ([blur]) can be used to make text appear in a 'blurred' fashion
Blur MyCode (designed for 1.2) - 1.0.0
The Blur BBCode Tag ([blur]) can be used to make text appear in a 'blurred' fashion
Cannot send PM's to Self - 1.0.1
Disallows users from sending Private Messages to their self
Cannot send PM's to Self (designed for 1.2) - 1.0.0
Disallows users from sending Private Messages to their self
Double Post Auto Merger (designed for 1.2) - 1.0.2
If a user makes a double post (one post right after the other in the same thread by the same author) it will merge the two together as if the user had only made 1 post.
Drop Down Sticky MyCode - 1.01
The [sticky=blah]more blah[/sticky] tag allows you to ....
Flip Horizontal MyCode - 1.0.2
The Flip Horizontal BBCode ([fliph]) can be used to create a 'Horizontal' effect on text
Flip Horizontal MyCode (designed for 1.2) - 1.0.0
The Flip Horizontal BBCode ([fliph]) can be used to create a 'Horizontal' effect on text