Site in read-only mode

This site is now read-only following the release of MyBB 1.8 and the new mods site.

If you are looking for MyBB 1.8 mods please click here to visit the new mods site.

You can continue to download submissions for MyBB 1.6 and earlier here, however new submissions will only be accepted via the new mods site.


Hotkeys will be created in the admin panel.

Version: 1.0
Author: 0Derece
Submitted: 4th August 2010
Last Updated: 4th August 2010
Hotkeys compatible with 1.4.* versions
If you want to use with 1.4.*, open inc/plugins/hotkeys.php with any text editor and search '16*' replace '14*,16*'

For suggestions, comments or issues (Sorry for my too bad english)

This is the entire list of available keys:

* backspace
* tab
* enter
* shift
* ctrl
* alt
* pause
* caps
* esc
* pgup, pgdown
* end
* home
* left
* up
* right
* down
* ins
* del
* from 0 to 9
* from a to z
* left-win, right-win - Win keys
* select
* num0 to num9
* multiply, add, subtract, dec, divide
* f1 to f12
* num - Num lock
* scroll - Scroll lock
* semi-colon
* equal
* comma
* dash
* period
* slash
* grave
* open-bracket
* backslash
* close-braket
* single-quote
Previews:Preview Image 2297